Italian Marble Dust Artist

"There are artists who tell stories: skillful narrators capable of hypnotizing us, offering us reality through their painted or sculpted words. There are artists who – obsessively – choose to reveal themselves, with an absolute need for self-reference which seems to scream out to the world: “Love me!”. And then there are artists who use themselves and their tiring personal everyday experience of life to tell us about the world and, somehow, about ourselves. Stefania Orrù belongs to the third category. Her story unfolds clearly, resplendent and yet complex, tiring, suffered, work by work, portrait by portrait. Clearly – because it enters us immediately, at first glance: it hypnotizes us and accompanies us inside our awareness. We read a sense of absoluteness and of truth that leaves us happy and amazed.” — Alessandra Redaelli, Art critic and Curator



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Working with Naomi I had the subtle feeling of being sustained by a gentle, very strong, generous intelligence, something you can rely on also and even more when the job is finished and that gives you some kind of insurance that you are doing the right thing and that what was built by her, the website, is now a wonderful tool that you really want to use!
— Stefania Orrù